The Jewel

Information Technology

3D Y2K Butterfly


The Creator

butterfly sparkling

The Creator

butterfly sparkling

Hey, hi! I am Jewelynn Baldesancho of IT1B, and I created this website for a school requirement, also, I want to share some things about myself that could build our friendship! or not...

I’m turning 25 this year, you might be asking, “Why is she still a freshie?” you can find the answer on the next webpage. I am a Leo and a very independent daughter, not financially though! My parents are separated since 2015, divorced since 2017, and my dad remarried last 2019. I have a younger sister, a niece from her, and three younger stepbrothers. My teenage years are literal hell. I’ve developed harmful coping mechanisms due to my childhood, upbringing, and parents’ separation. I have a civil relationship with both of my parents up to this day. My behavior was awful and caused a lot of heartbreak to myself and to other people. And the pandemic happened. We were forced to stay at home, I stopped going to school since 2020. I used to smoke cigarettes and seek alcohol after every minor inconvenience. I used to be jealous and angry because of my situation, I stopped schooling while my sister continued just to get pregnant three years ago. I’ve had a very hard time the following years, but I am confident to say that I changed for the better, everything changed since year 2022.

My niece was born and we all became more mature. I stopped smoking vaping and drinking alcohol. I am on the right path right now, and I am proud of myself for that.

You are more than what you are currently feeling. Things do get better.

butterfly sparkling
Abstract Butterfly Design Template , Butterfly Icon


and Hobbies

📚 Reading

👩🏻‍🍳 Cooking

💻 Watching

🧙🏻 Harry Potter

💄 Make up

☕️ Coffee

💥 The Big Bang Theory

🎬 Science fiction

🚶🏼‍♀️ Walking

🛍️ Shopping

🎤 Singing

🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 Modern Family

🕵🏻‍♂️ Sherlock Holmes


🎭 Korean Drama / Series

🎧 Apple Music

Home, Shelter, Heart, House, Charity Icon
Ponytail girl hairstyle silhouette
School, College, Education, High School, School Building Icon
Wedding Pictures Icon
Contact Outline Icon

© 2024 by Jewelynn J. Baldesancho